Do you or a loved one have a problem with alcohol or drugs?
Chrysalis House or another treatment program may be able to help. To find the program right for you click here.
Who is eligible for treatment at Chrysalis House?
Women from all over Kentucky, who are age 18 or older and are dependent on alcohol or drugs. As Chrysalis House provides very lengthy and intensive treatment, we recommend that women try out-patient or short term treatment before Chrysalis House.
Is there an admission fee or any other costs for treatment?
There is no fee for admission but all new clients will complete a SNAP application for food stamps . The food stamps will be used to help provide the meals and snacks while the client is in residential treatment. Most clients will pay no fees until they begin employment – approximately 3 to 6 months into the program. Once income begins, clients contribute about 30% of their gross income toward their room and board.
How long is treatment at Chrysalis House?
Length of treatment is based on each individual client’s needs. However, length of stay in the first phase of the program, residential living, generally ranges from 4 to 6 months.
Can I bring my children to Chrysalis House with me?
Three of our residential facilities accommodate pregnant women and women with children. Newborns and children under two years old may reside with their mothers full time. Older children are welcome to spend nights and weekends with their mothers when it does not interfere with the child’s schooling or the mother’s participation in programming.
What do I have to do to get in?
The first step is to call admissions at 1-800-713-0954 and participate in a ten minute screening process.
What is a typical day like in treatment?
A day at Chrysalis House is spent in psycho-educational groups, therapy groups, and individual therapy. There is also ample time for taking care of children, attending 12 Step meetings, chores, homework, and taking care of medical needs or legal responsibilities.
May I leave treatment during the day?
Patients will be allowed to leave the facility for medical and other appointments. As patients make good progress in treatment they will be allowed hourly and/or overnight passes (up to 24 hours).
What should I bring with me?
Dress is casual while in treatment but must be appropriate. Laundry facilities are provided at each facility. We recommend that you bring enough pants and shirts and other clothing for one week. As closet space may be limited, do not bring more than two pairs of shoes or handbags. Bring sheets and pillowcases (twin bed), comforter or blanket, towels and wash cloths, personal hygiene supplies, and a 30 day supply of any medications you have been prescribed. If you are bringing a child with you, bring any necessary clothing, supplies, and equipment for the baby. Also, please bring a photo ID, food stamp card, and proof of insurance or other payor source (if any).
May I bring a cell phone? A laptop? A desktop computer? A television? A stereo?
No use of cell phones, tablets or laptops during Phase 1 (approximately first 30 days) of treatment. After Phase 1 cell phones, tablets and laptops are permitted during free time although abuse of this privilege may result in temporary prohibition of use. Desktop computers, TVs, and stereos are not permitted primarily due to space concerns
Should I bring money?
Money is certainly not needed but is permitted. Chrysalis House recommends not having more than $20 at any time.
May I have visitors?
After a period of orientation, you may have visitors although there are restrictions on the times that they may visit.
Submit Your Question
Should you have additional questions about treatment at Chrysalis House, please call admissions at 1-859-977-2501 or send us a message.